You are an experienced driver with an automatic driver’s license and looking forward to upgrading it to a manual driving license or you are a learner and going for your first manual driving test. In any case, you will need to prepare for the manual driving test. Many things need to be taken care of in advance like relevant documents, a car you will drive to the test center, and brush up your manual driving test tips.
Around 1/3rd of Australian’s fails the manual driving test. It is a challenging hurdle even for experienced automatic car drivers. Re-learning to drive a manual car is hard. In the test, they will need to demonstrate their capability in car control. Besides, there are other factors like a gear stick, clutch pedal, and monitoring of RPM that makes the process harder.
Overconfidence and under-preparation for the manual driving test can be bad for experienced drivers. Nervousness and stress in attempting the first time are also not good for novice candidates. Fortunately, you can look for professional car driving schools in your area and get enrolled.
For driving lessons Wagga Wagga, the locals can book a qualified instructor from With well-qualified driving instructors, you can develop your safe driving skills and feel more confident in controlling your car. It will help you ace in your manual driving test in the first attempt!
Helpful tips to top your manual driving test
Arrive a little early with your driving instructor
Arriving with your driving instructor offers essential confidence and reassurance. Reaching the test center 15 minutes early will give you some time to get settled physically and mentally before the test. Rush can make you panic!
Use driving instructor’s car
Using the driving instructor’s car is beneficial because you are familiar with its control. Besides, there is a need to use a car that is safe to ride on the road during driving test.
You can get a good warm-up driving lesson as you will arrive early with your driving instructor. The instructor may offer some final tips before you jump the final hurdle and reach for driving independence goals. A driving lesson before the test helps to get accustomed to the routes, the examiner can take you. It will make you feel at ease!
Avoid stalling actions
With a manual car, there is a risk of car stalling, as you drive. Stalling gets caused because the clutch got released too quickly, or you did not use it while slowing down and stopping. There are many other situations when a car stall. Therefore, when you are behind the wheel with the examiner make sure to apply or release the clutch slowly and smoothly. Make sure that you master on gear changes or slow speed maneuvers before booking a driving test.
Keep foot away from the clutch
Keeping the foot on the clutch all the time keeps it partially engaged. It is a bad habit and can affect your performance and control. Unnecessarily applying a clutch can get you penalized, so make sure to keep your foot away from the clutch and use it whenever necessary.
Brush the road rules, never get stressed about minor errors, and stay focused during the manual driving test. Book your driving lesson with experienced instructors at Wagga Wagga!